Sunday, January 10, 2010

intercontinental friendship missile

inter continental friendship missiles
have a few things in common
with their ballistic brethren

they rain down light
and warmth
on their target

they seem to keep
their targets
from doing anything
too stupid

and even though
there's risk involved,
some folks stockpile
and count on these

inter continental friendship missiles

to send horrible shit away
in truly rare and wondrous
explosions of awesome might.

I'm generally about non-proliferation,
but with missiles like these,
I'd stockpile as many as I could,
with the hope that someday
they'll be interstate friendship missiles
or intra-borough friendship missiles.

Or if not,
they'll remember to let me
buy them coffee next time.


inter continental friendship missiles
need rocket fuel too.


  1. hoping next time is more like a longterm peacekeeping force and less like a missile.

    this is great. amen, brotherfriend.

  2. wooo i like it. and i feel like an intercontinental ballistic missile sometimes!
